Tuesday, February 19, 2008

cRiMe PrEVenTioNs BeGiNs WitH yOu...

Crime is on the increase today.More and more cases of robbery,kidnapping and snatch thefts are reported each day.There are those who have turned to crime as means of obtaining easy money.These criminals have lost their sense of right and wrong and would do anything to get what they want.

Each of us can help prevent the onslaught of crime.We can all start in our own neighbourhoods.If a suspicious stranger comes to town, inform your neighbours about him.In addition,a neighourhood watch as the Rukun Tetangga is also important.It is a way for everyone to look out for each other and prevent crimes like robberies from happening.

Never walk alone in dark or lonely places.This increases the chances of a crime happening to you.Always have someone with you,especially in a dangerous or high-risk crime area.If possible,travel in a group.It will reduce the risk of attack and see you safely to your destination.

Do not carry or wear too many valuables.This will only attract unwanted attention. Always pay attention to your surroundings.Hold your bag properly beside your body. Snatch thieves usually target those who are careless in holding on to their belongings.

If you see a crime in progress, contact the authorities immediately.Help the victims if you are able to but never put yourself in danger when you do so.Information that could help police includes what happened, the place of the crime and who was involved.Should you see anything connected to the crime that could help the police,inform them at once.Any help they get will mean less crime on our streets.

Crime preventions begins with you and me.A good sense of moral values is so important in order to know right or wrong.Working together,we can make our country a secure place to live in.

(291 words)

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